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Main results of today's Foreign Affairs Council

Main results of today's Foreign Affairs Council


The EU today reiterated its firm commitment to Iraq's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Ministers expressed more specifically their concerns about the dire humanitarian situation and the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq as a result of the assaults by ISIL.

The Council welcomed the decision by individual Member States to respond positively to the call by the Kurdish regional authorities to provide urgently military material. Such resposes will be done according to the capabilities and national laws of the Member States, and with the consent of the Iraqi national authorities.

The EU will assess how to prevent ISIL benefitting from oil sales and condemns those funding the ISIL in contravention of UNSCR 1267 and subsequent resolutions. The Council invites the European External Action Service to ensure a stronger presence in Erbil.

The Council recalled the substantial efforts of solidarity that the EU and its Member States are making to provide humanitarian aid and welcomed the commitment of additional European funds as well as the mobilization of the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre and the activation of the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

The EU welcomes the nomination of Mr. Heider Al Abadi as Prime Minister-designate and expresses its continued support for the constitutional process.  See conclusions.


The EU expressed its concerns at the worsening crisis in Eastern Ukraine and its humanitarian impact on the civilian population. Ministers expressed their support to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and independence of Ukraine. The Council called on the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the United States and the OSCE to join the EU in finding a political, sustainable solution to this crisis.

The Council encouraged the continuation of inclusive and comprehensive reforms in Ukraine.

The Council welcomed the United Nations-led Preliminary Response Plan for Ukraine as well as the European Commission's decision to allocate additional funds to meet the most urgent needs. The Council also called on all parties to support and facilitate without delay the work of international humanitarian organisations.

The EU calls upon all states and actors in the region to ensure immediate, safe and unrestricted access to the crash site of MH17; those directly and indirectly responsible for downing of MH17 should be held accountable and brought to justice as soon as possible.

The EU noted that the grounds for the imposition of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation remain valid, and regrets the Russian Federation's announcement of measures targeting imports of certain agricultural products originating in the EU. An extraordinary meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council has been convened for early September to assess the impact of these measures and the appropriate response.

The Council welcomed the ongoing process on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and supported the Commission's efforts to facilitate a resumption of the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia on the conditions of gas supply. See conclusions

The Council also adopted conclusions on the situation in the Gaza Strip and Libya
and on the Ebola Crisis in West Africa.

Κυρ. Μητσοτάκης: Χρειαζόμαστε πρόσθετους πόρους για το μεταναστευτικό και το Ταμείο Αλληλεγγύης

  Κυρ. Μητσοτάκης: Χρειαζόμαστε πρόσθετους πόρους για το μεταναστευτικό και το Ταμείο Αλληλεγγύης