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 From its inception in 2009 in Prague, the Eastern Partnership has gained an admirable momentum. Eastern Partner States, with EU help, have been making decisive steps towards political, social and economic development, as their societies have been gradually transforming themselves.

-   Today we are in a position to welcome the initialing of Association and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreements [AA/DCFTAs] with Georgia and the Republic of Moldova. We congratulate both countries for the progress achieved. We are also ready to adopt an ambitious Joint Declaration which will guide the Eastern Partnership’s steps for the next two years.

-   Ukraine was a front-runner in adopting and implementing reforms which paved the way for the initialing of the Agreement in 2012. We regret that Ukraine is not ready to sign the Agreement today. But, at the same time, we respect its sovereign decision. EU’s door has to remain open for an eventual signature of the Agreement with Ukraine in the future.

-   We note with satisfaction that Armenia has considerably advanced its reform program and we favor a strong EU-Armenia relationship. We also stress the strategic role of Azerbaijan in securing Europe’s energy resources and we are looking forward to its enhanced cooperation with the EU. Furthermore, we encourage Belarus in taking the steps that would enable its active participation in the Eastern Partnership.

-   Greece, as the next Presidency of the Council, will work eagerly in implementing the decisions taken today, in order to promote the next phase of the Eastern Partnership agenda. For us, the Eastern Partnership is a project of inclusiveness, not of drawing new divisive lines along the map of Europe. Each Partner’s pace and geopolitical realities should be taken into account, avoiding dilemmas that can prove counterproductive. A strategy to engage all players in the region might be now in order.

-  The main message for the post-Vilnius period is that of implementation and a steady pace of reforms. Building well-functioning democratic institutions, strengthening the rule of law, along with effective justice systems, fighting corruption and securing a favorable and stable business and investment environment are challenging but essential objectives. These reforms will unleash the full potential of AA/DCFTAs once signed. And they can prove hugely beneficial for the countries and the citizens especially in a time of crisis, favouring growth and job creation.

- Mobility is one of the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency. We, therefore, support an eventual network of Visa Liberalisation Agreements, on the basis of the effective implementation of the Action Plans [VLAPs].

-  Europe has a unique historic experience of finding common ground into diversity. All these decades the EU has managed to build a common base uniting 28 European nations. I believe that we should follow the same pattern for the Eastern Partnership; first build a solid base, gradually and methodically. This will allow our aspirations and our visions to be fulfilled in the future.    

Κυρ. Μητσοτάκης: Χρειαζόμαστε πρόσθετους πόρους για το μεταναστευτικό και το Ταμείο Αλληλεγγύης

  Κυρ. Μητσοτάκης: Χρειαζόμαστε πρόσθετους πόρους για το μεταναστευτικό και το Ταμείο Αλληλεγγύης